
Skin Care: सुबह उठते ही करें ये 5 काम, Skin बनेगी Tight और Bright | Boldsky

2020-08-24 28 Dailymotion

We try different things to keep our skin always shiny and healthy. But how you pamper your screen after waking up every morning makes a huge difference on the screen. Most of the women follow the skin care routine at night without missing it, but in the morning they wash their face only by applying face wash, which is wrong. Today we are going to tell you the most effective morning skincare routine, which you can get a good and bright skin by following it regularly.

हमारी स्‍किन हमेशा चमकदार और हेल्‍दी बनी रहे, इसके लिए हम अलग-अलग चीजें ट्राय करते हैं। लेकिन रोज सुबह उठने के बाद आप अपनी स्‍किन को कैसे पैंपर करते हैं, उससे स्‍किन पर बेहद गहरा फर्क पड़ता है।

#Skincare #Morningskincare #Skintips